
Wednesday 9 September 2015

Revamped Coca Cola Flavours

Every time I feel so stressed, I always eat out or find something new to eat. The other day, there were too many tasks that I had to do at work. I felt really exhausted after I've completed all the tasks. By the time I got out of work, I was thinking: "I really have to eat!" But, my budget was so limited that eating at a new restaurant was not even an option. Cooking? Sorry, I'm not a good cook. 

Since I only have a few coins left in my pocket, I decided to hit the nearest supermarket to find new goodies. I searched for something that I haven't tasted before. And, while strolling at the supermarket, this brightly coloured duo captured my eyes. Instead of buying food to eat, I bought these. COCA COLA CHERRY AND COCA COLA VANILLA! 

Coke Cherry Coke Vanilla